Electrification is a Sweet Solution for Chocolate Industry
TUTCO custom designed an open coil heater that fit exactly where the lightbulb was sitting and required no changes in the product.
When dealing with food and beverages, we understand the need for high-quality heat and consistent results. Whether you are engineering a new product or seeking to improve a current one, Tutco-Farnam is here to provide your foodservice thermal solution. Our heaters are ideal for cooking, food holding, serving, preparation, and packaging applications throughout the foodservice industry. We've made heaters for shrink wrappers, warming cabinets, and coffee roasters. Let our diverse knowledge in this industry serve you. Chances are we've made a heating element similar to the solution you seek.
Improving Sustainability
An increasing number of restaurants and food manufacturing facilities are choosing to establish themselves in regions where natural gas availability is limited or subject to substantial penalties. Tutco Farnam stands ready to collaborate closely with these original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) in the creation of cutting-edge solutions for the future. Moreover, established facilities are actively seeking avenues to reduce their carbon footprint preemptively, in anticipation of potential government mandates. These entities are turning to Tutco Farnam for well-established electric heat solutions.
Engineering and Support is a big part of what we do. Offered on an application by application basis. With our extensive heat application experience, chances are we have done something similar to your application. We can even assist you with your process design. While we generally will not design your process for you we are happy to assist.
TUTCO custom designed an open coil heater that fit exactly where the lightbulb was sitting and required no changes in the product.
With recent disruptions in gas supply, health concerns over outgassing, and the move away from fossil fuels, electrification of pizza ovens has become more desirable.
Using our line of Flow Torchâ„¢ heaters, which are highly efficient and ideal for heating large airflows, we were able to electrify this large coffee roasting process.
Food industry professionals seek finer temperature and moisture control in their holding equipment. They want longer hold times while maintaining food quality and safety.
Developed for maximum design flexibility, Crossflow Blower Heaters (CB Series) utilize multi-purpose mounting brackets attaching directly to the exhaust of a crossflow blower.
We asked a current customer if he had any issues with other projects we could help with. As it turns out he was having dramatic failures on a platform that was using a competitors heater of another style...
This heater mounts directly to square axial fans. It integrates a guard and optional over-temperature protection. Available with or without a blower. They are ideal for a wide range of drying, curing, and warming applications.
A 28" bar heater for a food service cooker. Custom heater replaces an existing inefficient tubular heater. The goal was to decrease heat up time while decreasing power consumption.
A self-contained heat system integrating a blower, heater, and thermocouple inside an easy to clean insulated housing. Operates reliably day and night.
Thin, highly precise heaters with excellent dielectric strength. Rapid heat up followed by constant temperature and excellent heat transfer. Ideal anywhere there are space or weight restrictions. Custom shapes available.
Silicone rubber heaters are durable industrial products with amazing properties. They are flexible, resistant to many chemicals, heat up quickly and are able to maintain precise temperatures.
Tutco Farnam offers the very best in design and enginering of custom heaters and heating components. Our capabilities are ideally suited to meet demanding production schedules, and we are committed to keeping up with the constant changes occuring in manufacturing and product design.