All of our electric heater calculators in one place.
Calculate the electrical power, flow rate or temperature requirement. Check our visual and interactive explanation.
- SCFM = airflow in standard cubic feet per minute
- ΔT = temperature rise in degrees F from the inlet to the exhaust
- Watts = SCFM x ΔT/3
Fill in two values to determine the third
°F = ( ( ( °C * 9) / 5 ) + 32 )
°C = ( ( ( °F - 32) * 5 ) / 9 )
Fill in one value to calculate the other
Line Current = Wattage / (Voltage * √3)
Fill in two values to determine the third
Line Current = Wattage / Voltage
Fill in two values to determine the third
Fill in two values to determine the other two
- ρ = density (lb/ft3)
- V = volume flow rate (ft3/hour)
- Cp = specific heat (Btu/lb°F)
- Ta-Tb = temperature differential (°F)
- Q = ρ x V x Cp x (Ta-Tb)
Fill in four values to determine the fifth
- ACFM = airflow in actual cubic feet per minute
- P = gage pressure (psi)
- T = gas temperature °R = 460 + °F
- SCFM = airflow in standard cubic feet per minute
Fill in 3 values to determine the SCFM
Mass flow rate to Volumetric flow rate for air
Fill in one value to calculate the other two
Power Flow Rate Visualized
Click the sections to adjust the parameters to see how each impacts the others.
Enclosure Heater Calculator
Is your enclosure:
Is another enclosure adjacent to this enclosure?