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Axial Fan Heaters

Made in USA

Axial Fan Heaters (Series AF-20) are ideal for drying, curing and warming applications typically found in film processing, labs, and medical instruments. Axial Fan Heaters, which mount directly to square axial fans are available in several sizes with a broad range of wattages and custom features. The AF-20 heater housing uses the same mounting holes and functions as a guard for both heaters and fans. (Fans available separately. "for OEMS" -100 pieces or more to get a fan spec) All Axial Fan Heaters are UL recognized components under UL file number E154979.

Wattage and Voltage Options

2.4”- 15W-175W, 12V, 24V, 48V, 120V
3.1”- 50W-450W, 120V, 208V, 240V
4.7”- 50W-1000W, 120V, 208V, 240V

Axial Fan Heaters
1200 W158º F290º F1105


  • Drying
  • Curing
  • Warming

Axial Fan
Axial Fan Diagram


Optional High Limit Safety

Optional Thermostat 

  • A high limit safety device designed to protect against overheating 
  • Do not use for temperature regulation 
  • Thermostat will automatically reset when thermostat has cooled to 25°C below opening temperature. 
  • Opening temperature should be approximately 25°C above transient temperature seen in normal operation 
  • Thermostat is not suitable for DC applications 

Optional Thermal Cut-Out (TCO) 

  • A high limit safety device designed to protect against overheating 
  • If opening temperature is reached TCO will open the circuit and the heater remains inoperable (one shot) 
  • TCO opening temperature should be at least 25°C above thermostat opening temperature (if used) or 25°C above transient temperature seen in normal operation
  • If using DC: Max 5A and 24V for UL approval
  • Accessories

    Compact Fans 

  • Mounts directly to AF20-2.4 
  • High performance and moderate pressure build-up  Contact Farnam Custom Products for more information
  • Hardware Kit (KIT AF24) Includes all the necessary hardware to attach the fan to your AF20-2.4

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