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Engineer Talk

Why Does Watt Density Always Come Up When Discussing Heating Elements? image Why Does Watt Density Always Come Up When Discussing Heating Elements?
Watt density is a useful measure when considering the various types of heating elements available. Tutco-Farnam Custom Products manufactures open coil heating elements which are generally used to heat a gas flow, such as air or nitrogen.
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How Much Wattage do I Need? image How Much Wattage do I Need?
By following a few rules-of-thumb you can determine the wattage requirement for your application.
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Why use a Diode with a Heater? image Why use a Diode with a Heater?
A robust design can be achieved using a diode in series with the heating element.
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Zoned Versus Distributed Wattage - Definition and Application image Zoned Versus Distributed Wattage - Definition and Application
In the heating industry we are often asked what is the difference between a distributed wattage heater and a zoned heater. These
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Duct Heaters Overview image Duct Heaters Overview
A brief overview of duct heaters including size, circuit type, watt density, flow rates and installation concerns.
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Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer image Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer
Thermodynamics, specifically heat transfer, is used throughout our daily lives, but not always thought of. A common practice of cooking breakfast would be one simple example.
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Electric Heating Systems; Branch Circuit Protection image Electric Heating Systems; Branch Circuit Protection
When installing electric heating systems for industrial process, branch circuit protection is a critical consideration.
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