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Engineer Talk | Page 2

Watts Killing Your Heater? image Watts Killing Your Heater?
Learn to avoid premature heater failure by understanding how they fail and implementing best practices to maximize life.
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SCFM, CFM What's the difference? image SCFM, CFM What's the difference?
Learn the key difference between SCFM and CFM and how that effects heating air flow rates on one of our most popular pages
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Grounding Your Heaters image Grounding Your Heaters
​Grounding is often treated as an afterthought, but not all grounds or ground connections are the same. Too often we just assume that any ground connection will be a ‘good’ one.
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Estimating the Resistance Wire Temperature for an Open Coil Heating Element image Estimating the Resistance Wire Temperature for an Open Coil Heating Element
Explores the topic of Wire Temperature Resistance in Open Coil Heating Elements.
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Scrambling an Egg image Scrambling an Egg
Having a little fun, Jared McPherson shows how to cook scrambled eggs using a Heat Touch 200 inline air heater.
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Design With Mica in Mind image Design With Mica in Mind
Roland Morales explores the benefits of using mica in electric heater design.
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A Look at Heating Elements image A Look at Heating Elements
Heating elements explained with examples, case histories, white papers, and tips on how to choose a heater solution.
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