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Control Panels and Temperature Controllers

Made in USA

To optimize the performance of an existing resistance heater or a Farnam Custom air heater, we highly recommend incorporating one of our advanced control solutions. Our temperature controllers are specifically designed to provide precise, reliable, and efficient control, ensuring your heater operates at peak performance. With user-friendly interfaces and robust features, our controllers make it easy to achieve accurate temperature management, whether you're fine-tuning a process or maintaining stable conditions in demanding applications. Custom control panels are available, contact support with your requirements. 

Visit the pages of the products below for more information.

      Flexible Heaters
      Closed-Loop Controller

      Closed-Loop Controls

      Closed-loop heater control system uses a power controller, temperature controller, and thermocouples to monitor and provide a constant output temperature, regardless of changes in airflow.

      Control Cube

      Temperature Control Cube

      The Control Cube™ series of control panels are specifically designed for the purpose of controlling highly efficient Farnam air heaters.

      MC-5A Controller

      MC-5A Temperature Controller

      Ideal for quick and easy temperature regulation of Tutco-Farnam Custom Products flex heaters.