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Temperature Control Cube

Made in USA

The Control Cube™ series of control panels is expertly designed to seamlessly manage the operation of high-efficiency Farnam air heaters. When paired with a heater and sensor, the Control Cube™ creates a fully integrated and ready-to-use thermal system, ensuring precise and reliable temperature control. Each unit comes preconfigured to accurately regulate our inline air heaters, eliminating the need for complex setup or adjustments. To make installation even easier, we provide a one-page Quick Start guide, allowing you to get your system up and running within minutes of completing the wiring.

Features and Benefits

  • Compact Size - The Control Cube™ can be mounted internally or externally of machine control cabinets. 
  • Multi-voltage Operation - The control circuit automatically adjusts to the heater power voltage without adjusting internal jumpers or switches. 
  • Precise Control - The digital PID controller, driving a solid state relay, provides quick and accurate control. 
  • Safe Operation - The safety circuit provides positive heater power interruption with a safety contactor. 
  • Alarm Indication - A bright red LED lamp illuminates if the alarm circuit is activated. 
  • Over Current Protection - The on/off switch is a circuit breaker that will trip if the control panel amperage rating is exceeded. 
  • Field Selectable Temperature Sensor- The temperature controller can be programmed for a variety of thermocouples or an RTD for temperature sensor input. 
  • Remote Interlock - The terminal strip has connections in the safety circuit for additional safety switches like flow switches or emergency stops. 
  • Options - A pulsing audible alarm and flashing pilot light is available.
Temperature Control Cube


Model Number...........................................................CC-A15 
Line Voltage.....................................................120/208/240

Control Cube
Control Cube Diagram
Control Cube Logic Diagram


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