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Mica Surface Heaters

Tutco Farnam Mica Surface Heaters combine rigid durability in a sleek, thin design. Capable of reaching temperatures up to 1200º F, these highly conductive heaters heat up and cool down rapidly while delivering even heat distribution across surfaces. Built for rugged performance, mica surface heaters can be custom-engineered to meet a wide range of application needs. Mica surface heaters are cost-effective solutions that help improve product performance and reliability. Tutco Farnam’s engineering and support team can provide you with a competitive advantage by creating a custom surface heater for your unique application.


 Engineering and Support is a big part of what we do. Offered on an application by application basis. We can even assist you with your process design. While we generally will not design your process for you we are happy to assist. 

Mica Surface Heaters


Flex Specs

Design & spec your flexible heater online in 5 easy steps. Save and revise your configurations and submit them for quoting. Check our Flex Specs Tool to view and configure your heater.