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We've got a new website! Please let us know if you encounter any issues. Email us at info@farnam-custom.com, your feedback is valuable.

Food Steam Cabinet

Tutco Farnam was challenged with improving a food steaming cabinet. Our engineers met the challenge. Our custom solution replaces the tubular heaters previously being used. Our mica surface heater provides intimate contact covering over 100% of the surface area. This assures that the heat transfer to the pan is very efficient and even with low heat losses. We designed a custom surface heater that mounts with less cost, doesn't have hot spots, performs better, and will give long life.

Food Steam Cabinet


  • Reduced Heat Loss 
  • Longer Life 
  • Even Surface Heating 
  • No Hot Spots 
  • Reduced Cost
  • A Higher Degree of Support

    Engineering service and support is a big part of what we do. Offered on an application by application basis. With over 2,000 unique heating element designs, chances are we have done something similar to your project.