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Custom Heating Element for Medical Storage Device

We designed a custom solution for a client that specializes in air conditioning systems and environmental control equipment for a variety of industries that are installed worldwide. 

Project and Challenges 

The client was experiencing heater failures in a line of medical equipment. They were fabricating internally a heating element and fan assembly consisting of an off the shelf heater and custom sheet metal components to tie it all together. The result was expensive, provided poor performance, and was bulky. 

Solutions and Their Impact 

We designed a heating element that merged the mounting brackets for the fan into the heating element housing to lower cost, and the heater itself is now positioned at the exit of the fan for efficient convection heating. The final solution is a low cost, compact, easy to install, package which retrofitted easily into the equipment already in the field.

CHeat Diffuser Box


  • Efficient Open Coil Design 
  • Retrofits Into Existing Equipment 
  • Low Cost Alternative to Off The Shelf Option
  • A Higher Degree of Support

    Engineering service and support is a big part of what we do. Offered on an application by application basis. With over 2,000 unique heating element designs, chances are we have done something similar to your project.