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Internal Heating System for Medical Imaging Device

Tutco Farnam helped a medical CT Scanner manufacturer improve the quality of their scanned images. 

 Project and Challenges 

CT scanner image quality can be greatly improved if the internal temperatures of the apparatus are constant and stable throughout. This permits the scanner to focus on the highest resolution possible. 

Previously it was recommended to the user to have a temperature regulated room for the CT Scanner, which was not always followed. Having internal temperature regulation would make the performance of the CT scanner consistent for all users. 

The heater had to retrofit within the limited space available to accommodate field installations and minimize impact to the existing design. The unusual shape of the volume available presented a challenge to package the blower, heater, and controls so the air path provided the even regulated temperatures required. 

Solutions and Their Impact 

The heater fits the space and installed easily with all interface connectors being routed to an accessible area. We provided a turnkey solution with a blower, element, temperature controller, and flow sensor. 

The CT Scanner is now able to operate at maximum performance for all patients, providing the best images possible.

Medical Imaging Device


  • Retrofits Into Existing Equipment 
  • Turnkey Solution 
  • Improves Image Resolution
  • A Higher Degree of Support

    Engineering service and support is a big part of what we do. Offered on an application by application basis. With over 2,000 unique heating element designs, chances are we have done something similar to your project.