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TUTCO Farnam’s Axial Fan Heaters: A Customizable Solution for Every Industry image TUTCO Farnam’s Axial Fan Heaters: A Customizable Solution for Every Industry
Axial Fan heating solutions are used in countless applications, providing essential functions like drying, curing, and warming.
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Pressure Torch– The Ideal Solution for Heating Large Airflows image Pressure Torch– The Ideal Solution for Heating Large Airflows
The Pressure Torch™ Heater by TUTCO Farnam was designed for customers needing something more powerful than the four psi. It is a versatile solution offering up to 150 psi and exhaust temperatures below 932°F.
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A Line of Industrial Control Solutions from the Heating Experts image A Line of Industrial Control Solutions from the Heating Experts
TUTCO control systems use a power controller, temperature controller, and thermocouples to monitor and provide a constant output temperature, regardless of changes in airflow.
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Building Custom Solutions image Building Custom Solutions
At TUTCO Farnam, we specialize in the design and engineering of custom heating solutions that are tailored to meet the unique demands of each customer.
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Unmatched Expertise in Electric Heat image Unmatched Expertise in Electric Heat
TUTCO is at the forefront of electric heating technologies, leading the industry with unmatched expertise and a global footprint that spans continents.
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Wrap Your Heater with an Efficient Insulation Blanket image Wrap Your Heater with an Efficient Insulation Blanket
The TUTCO Farnam Insulation Blanket is an accessory that delivers measurable benefits in safety, cost savings, and performance for the Flow Torch® family of heaters.
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Tutco Delivers Heating Solutions for 3D Printing image Tutco Delivers Heating Solutions for 3D Printing
TUTCO, a leader in the heating industry, provides the innovative heaters required to ensure 3D printing processes achieve quality results.
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