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45001 Certificate

An occupational health and safety management system (OHSMS) provides a framework that promotes a safe and healthy working environment. It helps companies to identify risks and reduce workplace hazards. The OHSAS 45001 specification was published in 2018. Download: OHSAS 45001 Certificate

Download OHSAS 45001Certificates


9001 Certificate

The ISO (International Organization of Standards), located in Geneva, Switzerland, is an international standard-setting body. The ISO 9000 standards deal with the fundamentals of quality management systems helping organizations ensure that they meet the needs of customers while meeting statutory and regulatory requirements.

Download NSF ISO 9001 Certificate

ISO 14001

14001 Certificate

The ISO 14000 standards help companies to manage their environmental responsibilities. ISO 14001 is the core set of standards focusing on environmental systems. It provides a framework for companies to design and implement their own environmental management system (EMS).

Download NFS ISO 14001 Certificate