Tire Refill Station Heater
Nicer convenience stores and truck stops have vacuums for cleaning your vehicle and air compressors to fill your tires. Those units require heat to keep the electronics from freezing. Heat can also be used to keep the tip of the tire refill nozzle from freezing while sitting in its holder.
Project and Challenges
Traditionally you’d use a strip heater. The downside of those includes rising costs (due to their material makeup) and bulk. Open coil air heaters are not a great solution because they suck in air from the outside where there is dust, rain, and pollution.
Solutions and Their Impact
Tutco-Farnam created a silicone rubber heater that is a 20%-25% savings for the client. It mimics the shape of the thin strip heater being replaced with the exception that it is a lot thinner. As older units get refurbished the customer pulls out the old strip heater and puts in our new custom enclosure heater.
At Tutco-Farnam we go the extra mile to understand the needs of our customers. For this client it allowed us to provide an elegant solution that best suited the application while saving the client money.
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