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Flow Torch 400 Wiring Demonstration

A demonstration of proper wiring for the Flow Torch 400 open coil heater.


Today we're going to demonstrate wiring of a Flow Torch 400. The first thing we're going to do is remove the junction box cover. This will allow us access to the terminal block to allow proper wiring. I'm going to install our cord grip. Next we'll install our wiring through the cord grip into the junction box. Tighten our cord grip up. Should be good to go. First thing we're going to do is remove the nut from the ground stud. I connect the ground wire with a ring terminal that we've previously installed. Replace the ground stud nuts and tighten. Next we will install our wiring. For this particular air heater there are six wires coming into our terminal block. We can either wire this heater as two separate circuits or we can wire them with one 3-phase circuit and jumpers. Today we're going to wire this as one 3-phase circuit with jumpers. Now that all of our wiring is in place we will tighten all the determinations. Wiring of the Flow Torch is now complete. We would now replace the junction box cover and test the system.

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