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Electrification is a Sweet Solution for Chocolate Industry

A client who manufactures solutions used in the food industry was looking to redesign one their products which is used for table-top chocolate tempering. The tempering of chocolate redistributes the cocoa butter, making it more homogenous, and easier to work with. The result is shiny smooth chocolate that has that familiar snap when you break a piece off. For years, the industry had been using a lightbulb to provide the heat required, but with changes in light bulb technology, bulbs became more efficient but unfortunately would no longer work in this application. TUTCO custom designed an open coil heater that fit exactly where the lightbulb was sitting and required no changes in the product. This electric heater solution was not only more efficient, it eliminated the back pressure that was created using a light bulb thus lowering the amount of flow needed by the fan. Tempering stations using TUTCO heating solutions can now be found all across the country.

Electrification is a Sweet Solution for Chocolate Industry
    A Higher Degree of Support

    Engineering service and support is a big part of what we do. Offered on an application by application basis. With over 2,000 unique heating element designs, chances are we have done something similar to your project.