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Coffee Roasters Savors the Benefits of Electrification

A range of industries are looking to electric heat to enhance and improve their processes and applications. One client who manufactures very large coffee roasters was looking for a solution that would allow them to eliminate the need for gas burners. Not only was there a safety concern for outgassing taking place in the roasting process, they had access to a very consistent and cost-effective supply of hydro-electric power. Using our line of Flow Torch™ heaters, which are highly efficient and ideal for heating large airflows, we were able to electrify this large coffee roasting process by implementing our 4”, 6” or 8” Flow Torches based on the size needed for each particular roaster. 

Cost-effective and Controllable 

An added benefit of using our Flow Torch™ products was the ability to achieve more precise temperature control throughout the process. Unlike gas, our electric heaters featured controllers that made programming far more accessible and customizable. They also minimized the need for human interaction in the process. Temperature set points could be programmed for the various stages of the roasting process, like ramp and soak, to deliver more precise and consistent results. Electrification can offer many advantages over gas-fired heating solutions. As we strive to create processes that are fossil-free and sustainable, we can provide solutions, like those used in the coffee roasting application, that are cost efficient and highly controllable.  

Coffee Roasters Savors the Benefits of Electrification
    A Higher Degree of Support

    Engineering service and support is a big part of what we do. Offered on an application by application basis. With over 2,000 unique heating element designs, chances are we have done something similar to your project.