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Anti-Idling Laws Drive Tractor Trailers to Electric Heat

Across the United States, most tractor trailers are subject to state and local anti-idling laws which apply to trucks stopped at rest areas, truck stops and on the side of the road. In the past, truckers would just leave their engines idling in order to provide power to the truck’s cab. This allowed them to run televisions, microwaves, and other electronics. It also provided comfort heat or cooling depending on the climate. As you can imagine, all of the diesel exhaust produced was bad for the environment and it wasn’t long before the EPA got involved and anti-idling laws began being passed in many U.S. states. To meet the need for power, trucks now use a small generator that power small electric coil heaters that TUTCO provides. In some instances, especially in Europe, diesel furnaces were installed in the trucks as a solution, however continued pressure to lower carbon footprints have more manufacturers moving away from carbon based to electric solutions. TUTCO is more than capable of designing and manufacturing custom open coil solutions to meet the industry’s demands.  

Anti-Idling Laws Drive Tractor Trailers to Electric Heat
    A Higher Degree of Support

    Engineering service and support is a big part of what we do. Offered on an application by application basis. With over 2,000 unique heating element designs, chances are we have done something similar to your project.