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We've got a new website! Please let us know if you encounter any issues. Email us at info@farnam-custom.com, your feedback is valuable.

Industrial Process

Tutco-Farnam specializes in designing and manufacturing process heaters for industrial applications. Engineered with precision and built for durability, each heater is custom-made to fit your specific needs. Whether you choose a standard configuration or opt for a fully customized solution, chances are we’ve tackled a similar application before. 

Transforming Industry 

As industries strive for sustainability, heating requirements emerge as a prime focus in their operational processes. Tutco Farnam provides solutions for the future, offering a multitude of electric heat alternatives to supplant direct-fired natural gas across diverse applications. Key areas of gas replacement lie within drying and curing applications. Ovens and foundries, undergoing the remarkable shift towards electric heat, are reaping substantial efficiency enhancements and noteworthy reductions in their carbon footprint.

Plastic ProcessOvensDrying
Plastic Injection
Heat Staking
Resin Dryers
Heat Shrinking
Ink / Printing
Interstation & Final
Organic / Solvents
Fast Moving Webs
Pet Food
Spray Tan
Pre Drying


Engineering and Support is a big part of what we do. Offered on an application by application basis. With our extensive heat application experience, chances are we have done something similar to your application. We can even assist you with your process design. While we generally will not design your process for you we are happy to assist.

Industrial Process
    A Higher Degree of Support

    Engineering service and support is a big part of what we do. Offered on an application by application basis. With over 2,000 unique heating element designs, chances are we have done something similar to your project.