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Tutco Farnam recognizes the importance of reliable results delivered on schedule. We're here to partner with you to ensure you get the heat you need, exactly where and when you need it. Our expertise lies in designing and manufacturing heaters and heating elements for various transportation-related applications, including enclosure heating, HVAC systems, pollution control, and resistive loads for motor braking. 

Elevating Sustainability 

Tutco Farnam's electric heat innovations drive carbon footprint reduction. As pioneers in the field of electric heat for decades, Tutco Farnam stands at the forefront of addressing the ecological concerns of specialty HVAC manufacturers. Armed with a wealth of solutions, we step up to fulfill the industry's quest for emissions reduction. When embarking on pollution mitigation endeavors, the initial stride frequently involves heating the exhaust stream—a realm where electric heat shine.

Enclosure Heating, Freeze
Protection & Dehumidification
Rugged HVACPollution Mitigation
Battery Protection
Electric Vehicles
Tractor Trailers
Exhaust Particulate


Engineering and Support is a big part of what we do. Offered on an application by application basis. With our extensive heat application experience, chances are we have done something similar to your application. We can even assist you with your process design. While we generally will not design your process for you we are happy to assist.

    A Higher Degree of Support

    Engineering service and support is a big part of what we do. Offered on an application by application basis. With over 2,000 unique heating element designs, chances are we have done something similar to your project.