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Laboratory Solutions

The Electrification of Environmental Test Chambers image The Electrification of Environmental Test Chambers
For companies transitioning from gas to electric heat in their environmental test chambers, TUTCO is here to provide comprehensive assistance and support.
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Defrosting Cryogenics Equipment image Defrosting Cryogenics Equipment
The TUTCO Farnam engineering team build custom Kapton® heaters featuring high efficiency temperature control to heat cryogenic liquids.
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Custom Heaters for Intravenous Contrast Materials image Custom Heaters for Intravenous Contrast Materials
OEM equipment manufacturers rely on the precision of TUTCO Farnam’s heat solutions in many medical warming applications, including the warming of contrast mediums used in x-rays, CT scans and MRIs.
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Custom Surface Heater for Heat Press image Custom Surface Heater for Heat Press
Custom surface heater for heat press. Longer lasting, lower cost alternative to the existing heating element. Contact us with your unique heating needs.
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Custom Heating Element for Scientific Instrument image Custom Heating Element for Scientific Instrument
Miniature air heater for a laboratory device. The heater delivers hot air for a zero clearance scientific probe. Contact us with your unique heating needs.
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Miniature Heat Torch for Blood Analyzer image Miniature Heat Torch for Blood Analyzer
Miniature air heater for a medical lab device. The heater aids in blood sample preparation. Contact us with your unique medical heating needs.
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Crossflow Blower Heater image Crossflow Blower Heater
Heaters designed to mount to the exhaust of crossflow blowers. Size, wattage, and voltage can be customized to fit your needs.
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