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What You Need vs. What You Use

What You Need vs. What You Use

At TUTCO, we partner with customers looking to enhance their processes by converting from one heating technology to another. Whether it’s transitioning from convective to conductive heat or, as in the case I’m about to share, moving from direct-fired natural gas to open-coil electric heat, our approach always begins by understanding the specific needs of their process compared to what they currently use. To illustrate this, consider the analogy: you can tow a small 10-foot aluminum fishing boat with a ¾ ton pickup truck, but that’s far more power than necessary. It’s just what you’re using, not what’s required. 

One of our clients, a manufacturer of detergent containers, is a great example of this. As their containers moved through the production line, they used an open flame from a direct-fired natural gas heater to dry the printed ink. Determining the flame’s optimal position relative to the production line speed was done through trial and error. If the line slowed down and the flame was too close, the containers risked warping due to excessive heat. On the other hand, if the line sped up and the flame wasn’t close enough, the ink wouldn’t dry properly. Both situations resulted in wasted product. 

From a safety perspective, the situation was even more dangerous. If the line stopped unexpectedly, the flame could potentially melt the plastic containers or even start a fire, depending on the heater’s position and the duration of the stop. 

TUTCO addressed these challenges by providing one of our process heating solutions coupled with a custom control panel solution. We integrated one of our control panels with the production line, allowing for seamless adjustments based on line speed and exhaust temperature. This system enabled the manufacturing engineers to determine and store optimal line speeds and temperatures within the controller, facilitating quick and precise adjustments by operators as needed. In the event that the line came to a complete stop, the process heater would automatically shut off while air continued to flow, ensuring safety and efficiency. 

An additional benefit that became apparent once the new system was operational was a significant reduction in energy consumption. The old system generated excessive radiant heat, making the production area uncomfortably hot, particularly during warmer months. The HVAC system had to work overtime to compensate for this, driving up energy costs. The new system not only eliminated this problem but also reduced the overall power consumption of the HVAC system, creating a more comfortable work environment and lowering operating costs. 

TUTCO’s line of process air heaters are robust hot air components used in industrial and commercial processes. Each model can be paired with one of our control panels to provide the precise and controllable heat for a range of airflows and air pressures.

Determine Your Heater