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Defense and Aerospace Solutions

Enclosure Heaters image Enclosure Heaters
Flow Torch™ heaters are highly efficient and ideal for heating large airflows. TUTCO Farnam is developing several graduated sizes of this platform. This family of heaters is offered as a standard product with several options.
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Polyimide Heaters image Polyimide Heaters
Versatile and efficient Polyimide film heaters offer rapid, precise heating in medical and a wide variety of industries.
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Inline Industrial Duct Heaters image Inline Industrial Duct Heaters
Our rugged, efficient, open coil Duct Heaters offer the capability to heat large volumes of air with fast warm-ups and cool-downs.
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Flow Torch Family of Air Heaters image Flow Torch Family of Air Heaters
Flow Torch™ heaters are highly efficient and ideal for heating large airflows. TUTCO Farnam is developing several graduated sizes of this platform. This family of heaters is offered as a standard product with several options.
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