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We've got a new website! Please let us know if you encounter any issues. Email us at info@farnam-custom.com, your feedback is valuable.


Tutco Farnam designs and manufactures air heaters and flexible surface heaters for a variety of printing equipment OEMs. Industry applications include curing, drying, and thermal air handling. We also supply regenerative blowers to go with our Flow Torch line of air heaters. Engineered for precision. Built to last. Heaters are made to order and can be custom designed for your specific application. Whether you configure a standard product or build something purely custom we've probably worked on a similar application. We can start with a prototype and ramp-up to 10k units per month, all within the same company. 

Enhancements to Bolster Efficiencies 

In a world where reducing carbon footprint is a priority, every facet of new equipment undergoes rigorous evaluation. Transitioning from direct-fired natural gas to electric heat represents a commendable initial step toward sustainability. Navigating the constraints of budget limitations, companies are finding that enhancements centered around custom open coil electric heaters offer an effective avenue to bolster efficiencies. These upgrades not only align with eco-conscious practices but also yield tangible improvements, underscoring the commitment of manufacturers to both innovation and responsible energy consumption.

ApplicationsInk Printing3D Printing
Air Handling
Drying & Curing
Final Stage
Fast Moving Webs
Drum/Roller Heating
Supplemental Heaters
Mold & Rubber Plate Making
Screen Printing
Large Format
Webs Wide & Narrow
Package Printing
Label Making
Shrink Packaging
Heated Printer Beds
Filament Heating
Enclosure Heating
Catalyst Heater


Engineering and Support is a big part of what we do. Offered on an application by application basis. With our extensive heat application experience, chances are we have done something similar to your application. We can even assist you with your process design. While we generally will not design your process for you we are happy to assist.

    A Higher Degree of Support

    Engineering service and support is a big part of what we do. Offered on an application by application basis. With over 2,000 unique heating element designs, chances are we have done something similar to your project.