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Cool Touch™ 150

Made in USA

The Cool Touch™ 150 Heat Torch is a robust air heating tool designed for high reliability, long life, and substantial air flow. In-service applications include staking, curing, drying, heat-shrinking, sterilization, adhesive activation, air scrubbing, and air knives. The CoolTouch™150 HeatTorch heating element is contained in a 2.0” diameter stainless steel pipe. The heater body is 8.24” long for power ratings from 500-2500 watts, and 12.14” long for 2750-5000 watts. The standard power increments are 250 watts and 500 watts, respectively. 

 Allowable air flow is from 4.8 to 70 SCFM. The maximum air input temperature is 250°F. The maximum air output temperature is 1300° F. The standard inlet fitting is a 0.5” NPT female. Standard outlets include 0.25”, 0.5” and 1” NPT female fittings and no exhaust fitting. 

Cool Touch 150
500 W250º F1300º F4.870120


Mounting.................................................Horizontal / Vertical 
Leads.........................................................14 Gauge, 12" long
Heater Body.....................................................Stainless Steel
Heater Fittings.................................................Stainless Steel

Wattage and Voltage Options

120V, single phase, 0.5kW-2.5kW
208V, single phase, 0.5kW-5.0kW
208V, three phase, 1.0kW-5.0kW
240V, single phase, 0.5kW-5.0kW
240V, three phase, 1.0kW-5.0kW
480V, single phase, 1.5kW-5.0kW
480V, three phase, 2.0kW-5.0kW


  • Staking
  • Curing
  • Adhesive Activation
  • Drying
  • Heat Shrinking
  • Sterilization
  • Air Knives
  • Air Scrubbing
  • Wafer Mfg
  • Options

  • Thermocouple Fitting
  • Thermocouple
  • Flexible Conduit

Cool Touch 150 Specs


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