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Electrification | Page 2

TUTCO SureHeat has developed customized electric ignitors to meet the unique needs of this application using our patented Serpentine technology.
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Chocolate tempering stations using TUTCO heating solutions are more efficient and can now be found all across the country.
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TUTCO has the capabilities to design and manufacture custom open coil heating solutions to meet the trucking industry’s demands.
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TUTCO has worked with several customers to incorporate an ultra-efficient open coil electric heater add-on to their stoves.
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For companies transitioning from gas to electric heat in their environmental test chambers, TUTCO is here to provide comprehensive assistance and support.
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Tutco heaters are used in manufacturing processes, where molten metal is poured into molds to fabricate various products.
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TUTCO heaters ere used to break down hazardous gases at elevated temperatures, before releasing them into the atmosphere.
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