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Custom Solutions | Page 3

Tutco-Farnam created a silicone rubber heater for a tire refill station at a 20%-25% savings for the client.
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Our solution solved a heater failure problem & reduced cost for a medical device manufacturer. Contact us with your unique heating needs.
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Our solution solved a heater failure problem & reduced cost for a medical device manufacturer. Contact us with your unique heating needs.
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Miniature air heater for a laboratory device. The heater delivers hot air for a zero clearance scientific probe. Contact us with your unique heating needs.
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Diffused air heater for circuit board manufacturing. Pre-heats circuit boards during the assembly process. Contact us with your unique heating needs.
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We have a customer who makes high-performance ink drying equipment. They couldn't pack enough wattage into their air knives.
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A customer that makes enrobing equipment for the confectionery industry was seeking a better solution for heating and melting chocolate.
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