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Custom Solutions | Page 2

Temperature distribution improved by 50%. Better heating performance with a 40% reduction in cost.
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Tutco-Farnam designed a custom self-regulating electric air heater that fits the desired space on its own expandable platform...
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Tutco-Farnam designed a custom self-regulating electric air heater that fits the desired space on its own expandable platform...
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Canned Heat is commonly used in the catering business to keep food warm. Some facilities don't allow an open flame.
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Heated air curtains provide comfort in colder climates by blowing a warm stream of air over people as they cross through the air screen.
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Custom surface heater for heat press. Longer lasting, lower cost alternative to the existing heating element. Contact us with your unique heating needs.
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Tutco-Farnam developed a low-mass open coil heater for installation in a tubular duct.
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