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Custom Solutions | Page 1

TUTCO Farnam specializes in the design and engineering of high-quality custom heaters and heating elements.
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TUTCO Farnam developed a 100% custom control panel for one of our customers who’s application required removing moisture from a powder.
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TUTCO-Farnam has designed hundreds of heaters for surgical, laboratory, and patient comfort applications, including oxygen and ventilation warming.
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The TUTCO Farnam engineering team build custom Kapton® heaters featuring high efficiency temperature control to heat cryogenic liquids.
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OEM equipment manufacturers rely on the precision of TUTCO Farnam’s heat solutions in many medical warming applications, including the warming of contrast mediums used in x-rays, CT scans and MRIs.
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Tutco Farnam designed a large single piece mica surface heater with distributed wattage and plenty of extras to achieve even heating and reduced cost for our customers.
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A custom heater with reduced heat loss, even surface heating and longer life. Designed for intimate surface contact covering over 100% of the area.
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