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Pellet Stoves can Benefit from Electric Heat
With the cost of home heating soaring, pellet stoves continue to be increasingly popular in rural and colder areas of the country. Many of these pellet stoves require an ignitor to fire up the pellets, which require a higher temperature than wood to ignite—some times as high as 1000ºF. One solution is to use the propane tank such as one from a barbeque grill to get the pellets started but this was time consuming and fairly impractical, not to mention could result in running out of gas to grill with. People were looking for an easier solution. Some were using our handheld heaters and a small air pump. When the air is blown across the heater’s element, the pellets ignite quickly and easily. TUTCO SureHeat has developed customized electric ignitors to meet the unique needs of this application using our patented Serpentine technology.

Engineering service and support is a big part of what we do. Offered on an application by application basis. With over 2,000 unique heating element designs, chances are we have done something similar to your project.